Why Women Are Wrong About Warren — A ManSplains
By Scott Adams
The premise of why women are wrong about Elizabeth Warren is based on my own survey of white college educated Democrat women over age 50 who responded to my question “Who are you thinking of supporting for president?”
Their answers from the head:
“Not Warren, she can’t win”
“Warren is too liberal”
“She’s not electable and we need to beat Trump”
“Trump will invoke Pocahontas and it will be over”
“The country is not ready for Medicare for All”
“I paid for my Medicare, it’s not fair to give it to everyone”
But when asked the follow up on Warren’s “Plans”, I get answers from the heart:
“We need universal health care”
“Her child care plans will help women return to the working world”
“Her kitchen table plans really help families”
“Warren’s wealth tax is a great idea”
“We need to rein in Wall Street greed”
What gives with women leading from the head and not the heart? For starters, a well-founded fear of a second term for President Trump. It’s a fear that has led to the gaffe prone, 76 year-old, twice-failed presidential candidate Joe Biden’s lead in the polls. In spite of the former Vice-President’s many flaws and extensive record, Biden is still seen as the safe, more electable bet to beat Trump.
Warren is badly trailing Biden with African-Americans, including older women, whose strong support has kept Biden in the lead. Warren will have to make inroads with African-Americans, and polling on issues, favorability and second choices offer her a path to make up ground.
Polling shows Warren continues to win white college educated voters and depending on the poll, leads or narrowly trails Biden amongst white voters. Warren supporters in this women over 50, primarily white college educated demographic, remain bewildered about their Warren skeptic sisters. They feel Warren could win the nomination if only these skeptics led with their hearts.
Warren’s female backers want to know what is wrong with women on Warren? And what will it take to convince them to put heart over head? Time for some ManSplaining.
Turning Women Right on Warren
These talking points consider recent national and Iowa polls.
Warren Tops in Favorability — She beats all candidates in favorability rating. Bests Biden in Iowa and nationally. The “I worry about her personality” concern is not backed up by polling. Her climb in the polls mirrors her likeability.
Warren tops polls on Policy/Issues — Her “I have a Plan” investment is more than a tagline. Voters like her “plans.” She speaks directly to improving people’s lives as outlined in our June 17 blog, https://greenalleystrategies.com/alley-tales/f/warren’s-plans-and-her-politics-of-improving-people’s-lives.
Pocahontas label will destroy her — Really. The narcissistic bully won’t have a demeaning nickname for whomever gains the nomination like Sleepy Joe? See our January 6 blog as to why Pocahontas won’t stick, https://greenalleystrategies.com/alley-tales/f/elizabeth-warren-is-a-top-tier-candidate. Warren will skillfully pivot to kitchen table issues and improving people’s lives.
I like her policies but a) the country is not ready for a woman, b) she’s too liberal, c) her personality is off putting, d) we need someone who can win, e) none of the above. Answer is E.
o Polling shows Warren is the only candidate to steadily climb in the polls, from low single digits in January to her second place 18% standing today. You don’t get there with luck but with a disciplined message, top notch field operation and policy staff and a candidate who is always moving forward. Unlike Biden and Kamala Harris, we have yet to hear Warren go sideways and stop to explain what she meant. Trump won the Republican nomination because he was always going forward. The same cannot be said about Biden and Kamala Harris whose polling numbers go up and down depending on the gaffe or explanation.
Health Care is the most important issue for all voters. While polls show a preference to the public option over Medicare for All — people are clearly worried about the costs and access to quality health care. Warren may be best positioned to gain electoral advantage with her mastery of the policy and passion — the head and the heart. Let’s have that debate with the President.
Chances are whomever wins the Democratic nomination will put together the best campaign and be ready for November. Since Warren is known for having the best field operations in Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire, chances are she’ll invest heavily in the field for the general election. Field operations are good for a couple points on turnout — enough to swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Let’s face it, Donald Trump is a tweet storming train wreck, an embarrassment to American values and a grave threat to our Democracy. It’s time for Democratic voters to lead with their hearts, listen to their friends and trust voters under 50. After all, it’s the younger generations that have the most to lose.
Scott Adams is Creative Executive Director of the Pollie Award winning firm Green Alley Strategies, www.greenalleystrategies.com.